19 September, 2011

Counting Robot Crows

Had a chance to open up Zbrush and play around for a bit.. These are very, very basic and may be somewhat lame but pretty much walking naked through the wilderness on this one, stayin away from tuts and approaching the program in its inherent 2D scope of design.

16 September, 2011

The First Alchemist

Part Two in a series of illustrations for an advertising campaign for the student group Conceptual Alchemists featuring one of the graduating founders, Titus Simirica

15 September, 2011

To sleep perchance to dream

So I just had some crazy dreams of Excalibur rising out of the Hudson river.

This was Preceded by the recurring phrase "resurrection knife phones"

Hope I didn't destroy my new Pentel brush just yet..

07 September, 2011


CS5, I think we should hang out more..

Couple sketches with some quick hue lay-ins..

Drawn & Quartered 2

Not done yet..

Drawn & Quartered

Hey everyone, sorry for the lack of postings lately, I do have tons of stuff that will get put up eventually (Cross my heart and all that) as I've been fairly busy otherwise.

Happy to say I'm working on designing a new website (That's been awhile, yeesh.) which will be up by the end of the year. Any words/stories of advice from other artists & designers, definitely post a response or drop me a line.

Enough talk. Here's some art.


I try and swing in for a life drawing class every now and again, these are some sketches from the last couple sessions.

Thanks for looking!


Thanks to the models and students for letting me sit in on these!